Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rerun Sunday

It's time again for Sunday Favorite Re-runs, a new Meme hosted by Chari over @ happytodesign It is so much fun to go back and re-run some of my favorite post.
I just love this song and decided to do repost from last April 26th....

The Crazy Squirrel
Well folks, I'm sitting here in front of my computer when I should be in bed asleep, it seems the new meds the Dr gave me to open up my airway to my lungs also causes you to stay WIDE awake...makes you feel better thought for a little while....I was checking my emails and received a comment for a sweet fellow blogger, telling me her Grandfather grew up in Pascagoula, but had left after WWII and only returned for visits...OK, the first thing that popped into my crazy weird

mind was this Ray Stevens song, I just love it...ok, ok, I know I'm not right....but I thought we could all use a good laugh this mornings so, hope I don't offend anyone, but being from the South and I'm sure you will find these Churches everywhere, I can honestly say I've been to a Church just like this one...

Be sure and to scroll down and turn my player off.

Have a Great Sat and I'm sure I will sleep it away when this upper wears off.

Scenic Sunday

Scenic Sunday is a photo meme of the scenery. It can be landscapes, buildings, flowers, or anything you feel is a scenery photo. This meme will be held every weekend. To join, just post your scenery shots on your blog and link back to Scenic Sunday.
These are a few of my favorites shots, taken in Yellow Stone National Park, WY in 2006

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Baby shoe ornies..

Good morning pretty ladies, I am so proud of myself, I actually got a little painting done this week. Would have gotten more done, but we had a dear friend who passed Monday and we had to attend the wake and then Dr D. called and said my parcial had come in so I had to go to his office today to pick it up. Needless to say after 8 days with out it I was very happy to pay him a visit.
But back to the business at hand, I know you remember me telling you about these little baby shoes on Thrifty Tuesday...
I had hoped to get both of them done but only got one finished.
I started off by removing the laces and cleaning the shoes good, then painted the soles black and the upper parts white
Did a little sketch of a snowman on the toe and just let the imagination take over. Really wasn't sure at this point just what I was going to do on the whole shoe...Click on the above picture and you can see the sketching....
I added the words SNOW BUDDIES across the toe. On the heel and sides I painted a blue sky and snow with a Snowman standing in front of a cabin with pine trees all around. I painted the stitch seam lines pink to match the clothing of the snowman. I'm doing one in a hot pink for MooMoo and a purple for Rissa...their favorite colors
click on pictures to get a good look at the painting.
I added sheer pink ribbon for the laces and taking an ice pick made a hole in the top of the back and added a hang loop out of the same sheer ribbon. Painted the child,s name and the year on the bottom and I'm thinking about adding miniture dolls and Teddies or packages in the opening to make it look like a mini stocking hanging on the tree.
Well what do you think..does it look ok, or silly..
I am posting this on D Dzines....where DeeDee is hosting Art work Friday.
Be sure and stop by and check out all the lovely paints and finished for Friday items.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thrift Store finds and little treasures....


It's Vintage Thingie Thursday over at Colorado Lady's place...don't forget to go by and tell Suzanne how much you appreciate her sponsoring it for us...
Thrifty Thursday takes place each Thursday and is hosted by Leigh at Tales from Bloggeritaville,

 The little one was cracked all the way down it.

 I like the way the shade can adjust up or down depending on how long the candle is...see the little screws on each side to adjust it up and down with.
Hope you enjoyed these little treasures I found and keep an eye out for some of them being transformed to a new life...

I placed, how great..

<span class= picture_this_silver

“Marjorie of Molly’s Country Memories showed a wonderful winter scene in Gardening Gone Wild Picture Contest. If the sun had been placed off center, it would have been even stronger.”

I am so excited, I can't believe I even placed in this wonderful photo contest, There were soooo many beautiful pictures and talented photographer. There were 95 entries. 6 Silver and 1 gold winners were picked from this group.

I am not a very good picture taker...this picture was just a natural, God's beauty make it great. I almost didn't enter it in the contest. But all of your sweet comments about how beautiful it was as my header help encourage me. When my Keiferman saw it, he said "it looks like a picture off a Hallmark card"

I want to Thank Darla, from More Family and Flowers for stopping by to offer her congrats., Check out her beautiful Silver entry @ Picture This Photo Contest.

I had forgot to go look, with all my computer problems it had slipped my mind that judging had took place. (and I really didn't think I had a chance to win)

I hope you will click on this link and check out the other winners.

Again I am so

Monday, January 25, 2010

2d time around Tuesday,

It is time for 2nd Time Around Tuesday, hosted by Diane @ A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words. be sure to drop by Daine's blog and check out the other 2d time around items.........

 We found this neat set of brand new coffee cups at another store in Hazelhurst, I will be giving them to a special someone for their Birthday ...and they only cost $7.00 stand and all...

Blue Monday

Good morning Ladies, or should I say Good Evening? I know I'm running last, but had to have my puter worked on, hopefully we have it under control right now. I won't say fixed, don't want to jinks
It is time for Blue Monday over at Sally's house. Please visit Smiling Sally by clicking here...... And since I had something special to show you, I decided to post today even if it was a little late.

 There was no label on this jar, the white tag you see is the vendors tag..

 My new jar is the little one on the end on the left side, I think it goes good with my other pieces.
I also found a nice little dark blue teapot, it looks like a Hall's but is cost $4.00 and I have a project planned for it..stay tuned for that down the road.

Well that's just some of my treasures found Friday when my Sis and I traveled back in time to our youth and kept one of our promises to travel when we grew up.....hey don't knock it, we got in the car and drove 45 miles from home that's traveling when you reach our were both so hoarse when we got back, neither one of us could talk the next DHs loved it.
Thanks Sally for giving us this meme to show our beloved blues.
I will try to get around to all my friends blogs this evening, got to run right sure is aggrivating to have Computer problems.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tears on my pillow...

Well Girlfriends, looks like I'm going to be off line for awhile....that stupid virus is back he told me this time we got to wipe every thing off and start over. Got to go it keeps messing up my typing. Will be back....

The folded napkin

Why did Jesus fold the linen burial cloth after His resurrection? I never noticed this....

The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin, which was placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes.

The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded, and was placed at the head of that stony coffin..

Early Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance.

She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. She said, 'They have taken the Lord's body out of the tomb, and I don't know where they have put him!'

Peter and the other disciple ran to the tomb to see. The other disciple out ran Peter and got there first. He stopped and looked in and saw the linen cloth lying there, but he didn't go in.

Then Simon Peter arrived and went inside. He also noticed the linen wrappings lying there, while the cloth that had covered Jesus' head was folded up and lying to the side.

Was that important?  Absolutely!     Is it really significant?  Yes!

In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that day.
The folded napkin had to do with the Master and Servant,
 and every Jewish boy knew this tradition.

When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it.

The table was furnished perfectly, and then the servant would wait, just out of sight, until the master had finished eating,
 and the servant would not dare touch that table, until the master was finished..

Now if the master were done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, and clean his beard,
 and would wad up that napkin and toss it onto the table.

The servant would then know to clear the table.. For in those days, the wadded napkin meant,  "I'm finished.."

But if the master got up from the table, and folded his napkin, and laid it beside his plate,
 the servant would not dare touch the table, because...........

The folded napkin meant,
"I'm coming back!"

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Scenic Sunday

Scenic Sunday is a photo meme of the scenery. It can be landscapes, buildings, flowers, or anything you feel it's a scenery photo. This meme will be held every weekend. To join, just post your scenery shots on your blog and link back to Scenic Sunday.
These are a few shots I made in 2006 in Montana.... we went in Aug and visited 10 states in 3 weeks,