Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tears on my pillow...

Well Girlfriends, looks like I'm going to be off line for awhile....that stupid virus is back he told me this time we got to wipe every thing off and start over. Got to go it keeps messing up my typing. Will be back....


  1. Will miss you, Molly. Hope you are back soon!

  2. What a bummer! I'll be looking forward to your soon return.

    ~Mrs. M

  3. Hurry back - Those viruses seem to be going around right now. Hope my computer doesn't catch it!

  4. Oh no! That nasty H1N1 knocked me off blogging for two months, so I'm wishing you a very speedy recovery. Take care, don't push yourself, relax, recoup and we shall await your return.

  5. Will miss you my dear... Dee Dee

  6. Dang it! Hope you can get it all fixed up proper and get rid of it for good!!!

  7. same thing happened to my work laptop... our IT dept had it for two weeks! After that episode, they coughed up the $ for a new spyware/anti-virus protection... yikes!

    hope you're back in the bloggesphere soon!
    hugs. Dixie

  8. Just got off the phone with my friend who lost her whole computer. She needed info from the newsletter that I did a year ago. Glad I didn't delete it.

  9. Don't people have any thing better to do then to make up virus's - go out and live a little!sandie


Little sweet memories whispered..