Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blue Monday

Hi dear friends, well it is still cold as heck, and I am coming down with the crud, all achy and stopped up. Have slept off and on all day and fixing to go take some Nightquil and hopefully get some rest tonight.
It is time for Blue Monday over at Sally's house. Please visit Smiling Sally by clicking here......
I told y'all about the little scanner I got Sat, you can read about it here If you are interested in one, you can check it out here

I was so excited when I received it, It came in a box that just screamed Blue Monday...the last 3 pictures were borrowed from the web. I have been scanning some today, I have set in the recliner and put the scanner on a tray and just scanned away, then sleep awhile and then scan some more....I was worried about the quality of the picture but so far I am satisfied with it. I just had to realize my pictures are old and aren't really very clear or perfect to start with. One of my pictures I found, that I lost long ago, My little ChiChi when she was recuperating after being hit by the car, she wasn't able to move just laid in her little blue basket next to my chair and when she was able to be touched, she moved to my lap and we healed together...yes I do believe this little scanner is going to work just find. This picture was on a negative, still haven't found the picture itself.


  1. Sure hope you're feeling better by morning, Molly. I enjoyed your Blue Monday post. I have been looking for something like this. Think I'll have to "google" it and see if I can find one. The picture of ChiChi is precious - I was impressed how good quality you got from scanning a negative. I like the idea that I can sit in the recliner and scan my photos/negatives. Thanks for sharing! ~Debbie

  2. Molly... take care of yourself... you'll be up and scanning soon!

    hugs... Dixie

  3. Get well soon! Having a cold is horrible and turns your world upsidedown for a time. I have never seen, nor did I know, a scanner like that was available! The things you learn from fellow bloggers! This is wonderful. I would like to learn more about it...thanks for sharing with us.

  4. I'm sorry you're not feeling up to par. I hope you feel better soon.

    Now that scanner is the neatest thing I've seen in a long time. Especially that it scans negatives! I'll be checking this baby out. Thank you for sharing the info!

  5. With the weather so yucky, you sure don't need to be feeling sick; I do hope that today is a healing day for you, Molly.

    I like that scanner and it seems to work fine.

    Happy Blue Monday.

  6. Cute picture of your pup - hope you're back in the PINK soon!!!

  7. OH!!!! I am fascinated by your new scanner! Must get one, must must MUST!!! How fabulous!!!

    Love that pic of ChiChi...honey she wants to come to West Texas for a

    Hang in there, some better weather is headed your way, then sad to say, some worse, then some better and maybe we will be done with winter? Wishful thinking...STAY WARM...

  8. Hi Sweet Molly!
    Oh I hope you are feeling better soon! Keep resting and try Mucinex Dm if you are coughing.
    Poor little ChiChi, hope she is better too!
    LOVE the scanner,looks like FUN!


    ~Let FREEDOM Ring!~

  9. Hi Molly
    My sis and I were just talking about a scanner. Let us know how you like it ok?
    As for your little ChiChi, I'm glad he is better along with you.
    Happy Blue Monday
    Love Claudie

  10. Your dog feels cozy and warm.

  11. Molly,
    What a fun new toy! I do hope you feel better soon, hate that you're sick. Keep warm, ... Dee Dee

  12. Very neat toy. I need to check on one of those.


Little sweet memories whispered..