Sunday, July 26, 2009

Soon and very Soon....

This morning while visiting my friends in Blog Town, I had a word placed on my heart, there is so much worry and sorrow in the world today, uncertainty about jobs, health Insurance, wars, some folks faced with losing their home. And while leaving a comment on a dear friends blog, these words jumped into my mind...Soon and very soon we are going to see the King, I don't know why because I haven't heard this song in years, but I had to go to You tube and search it out. I hope you will listen to the words, there is so much hope in them, the pain and sorrow we feel now, in this world will one day be gone and we will live with our King and the words of this song says it all...
(be sure turn my player off)

Have a Bless day and remember the words "And this too shall pass"


  1. Although I'm a Lutheran, we do all kinds of music at our church. This is one of my favorite songs and most requested one when we're choosing worship music. I know most of the harmonies and fill in depending on what other's are singing. We've done is several times at the "traditional" worship service and even they clap along! One of the all time greats. Thanks for sharing this Sunday morning!

  2. You've got me bouncing in my seat and singing along! Happy SS day.

  3. Oh Molly, I just love this post. What a wonderful song. He is coming, and yes I am ready. My house is in order. We have already seen so much of Revelation. I pray for a sister blogger who has let me know she has "no" religion. I know why I was led to her blog. I am dropping brain thoughts to her every day. I know what my job at hand is. I pray to the heavenly Father to let me do it well. Have a wonderful SS. Country Love and Hugs, Sherry

  4. Yes ma'am he is coming. You don't want to wish away time here but there are days when I anticipate his arrival a little quicker to be there with him. Have a blessed & beautiful Sunday.

  5. And what a glorious day it will be when He arrives!! Happy Sunday sweet Molly!!

  6. Thanks for sharing, and I love the quote "this too shall pass." So true.

  7. I love that song... We sung that last week at church it is a very beautiful song with the the different parts from altos, basses, and sopranos. Have a Great Sunday!

  8. Amen! God is in control and we must keep praying that His Will be done.
    ~Let Freedom Ring~


  9. Love your post. I have heard that song recently, and unfortunately, it was at a much publicized Michael Jackson memorial held in a big city near here. People sang the song like the KING in the song was M.Jackson, the king of POP! It truly annoyed me....but I will stop here. You get my point, I am sure.

  10. So glad of yr post -- gives me a bit of heart in this scary economic situation!!!


Little sweet memories whispered..