Sunday, July 26, 2009

Blue Monday

Woo, Y'all, can you believe it's Monday, my, doesn't the week end just fly by?
Having said that I guess you know that means it time for Blue Monday over at SmilingSally' be sure and drop by and check out all the great blues that other blogger buddies have to offer. Please visit Smiling Sally by clicking here
Today I want to tell you about my sweet little DIL, my BB will turn 30 ( oh to be so old Aug. the 8th, since he will be on call at the Hospital that week, sweet little DIL planned a surprise Birthday Party for him, how' this wasn't  just any surprise party...oh no, it had to be special..she planned everything without his New Orleans...she even rented a room in the French Quaters for 2 nights. She and 3 of her girl friends almost pulled it off, untill Mr. Nosy was hunting a recipe for something sweet in her on line weight watchers recipe had hide the conformation for the rooms in there...he's such a spoil sport. He didn't find out until 4 days before, so at least it was a little surprising.
They had a great time, here are some of the pictures they took, all of them have blue in them so I figure this can pass as a blue Monday post... 
This is the gang of friends that went to New Orleans to help him noticed Momma wasn't his best friend from High school lives in NO now and he did make it by, but wasn't there when the picture was made..and the little girl in blue's Hubby was taking the picture...Ronnie and MinMin was suppose to go but Ronnie had to work all night Fri. night...he wasn't a happy camper..
There is blue in this one....his shirt, don't you just love the cake...NOT..I said she was a sweet DIL, I didn't say she was said it actually tasted pretty good..I bet it did.
The mug he recived from the Hotel bar for his Birthday, it also has blue in it...
The sweet DIL and BB, on the balcony over looking the French Quarters
Here are some pictures from their Balcony
In case they decided to get to roudy the police were everywhere down there. Hope you enjoyed this little stroll down Bourdon street and the French Quarters, I know there are a couple of my blogging friends who know this area and I hope it brings them sweet memories....Dear DIL wrote on her facebook that these folks never sleep at night, she needs her ear could have told her not to try to sleep over the French doesn't shut down till day light.


  1. Hi Molly!
    How sweet is this. What a wonderful DIL to plan such a great surprise for his birthday. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all. I would definitely say you can't go to New Orleans to sleep. That city NEVER sleeps. Great post honey. Happy Monday. Country Hugs, Sherry

  2. There's no place like home. I'll be visiting there next weekend for my birthday. :)

  3. Oh, the Quarter! I recall it well. No, they don't sleep there, just carouse and generally get into mischief!

    I had to take a second look at that cake. My, my. Innocent old me thought it was a frog with bugged-out eyes at first, duh. These kids!!!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  4. Molly, Well she tried, but I bet they all still have a great time. What a great DIL and nice looking son you have. I know you are proud of them.
    I think that was a great Blue Monday post.

    Purple hugs,

  5. Happy Blue Monday! Well - too bad about the surprise but what a fun way to celebrate a birthday. Good for them!

  6. I'm sure they had a fabulous time..great Blue Monday posting.

  7. HOW, in the world, do you cut a cake like that...and where? I want to know who got the boobie prize!?
    I was 18 when I visited the French Quarter. One trip to New Orleans was enough for me, we did have a marvelous time though. My hair frizzed out to afro proportions!

  8. This looks like a fun birthday! Lots of blue and even blue awnings in the street!

  9. What a wonderful birthday celebration. It looks like everyone had a good time, especially your son.

  10. What a marvelous way to celebrate a birthday. I love the cake and the birthday boy seemed to be enjoying every moment of his celebration.

  11. Your DIL is sweet and it must be wonderful to see your son so spoiled. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

  12. Now that is the way to celebrate! How rude of your son to turn 30 though. My youngest turns 30 in January. I'd tell people I adopted him as a teenager, but he looks to much like me to deny!

  13. Glad they had a good time and are now back home safe. Funny cake.

  14. Oh, my fav pic is the HORSE! Looks like a fun time for them - and the cake - well....I had known someone who made those style, and also the MAN cake that would sometimes be ordered....I just don't know about those 'edibles'...

  15. Nice pics, looks like a great time.

  16. I'm sure they had a blast! Need to find a new hiding place though. Who knew that guys look through the recipes?

    Cheers, Candy

  17. Oh!!!I LOVE this girl!!That's the way to celebrate!! I have been there only once and do remember parts of the trip..(oops!) We stayed outside of the Quarter at Le Pavilion. Had a blast!!
    Thanks so much Molly for sharing!
    Happy Blue Monday!


Little sweet memories whispered..