Friday, December 09, 2011

Ronnie Smith Family

Middle Boy and his Family will not be with us this Christmas they will be spending the week in TN with Mindy's family so I made their Family pictures Thanksgiving while they were here.
The newest addition to the family is Tupac the Rat Terrier, Keifer received him as a gift from his Uncle 3 weeks after the wreck and He will tell you in a heart beat that little feller helped him make it through the hard times. He is a special member of the family truly loved by a cat loving
 Ronnie, Keifer, Mindy & Marissa
 Ronnie & Keifer
 Mindy & Marissa

 Keifer & the little Dude...
 Keifer and Mindy 
 Keifer & his little sweet heart

 my favorite picture my 2 angels
 Keifer we are so Thankful to God for letting us keep him a little longer 
Ronnie & Mindy
Hope to be able to post more of the photo I've been doing lately.
Hope you have a Blessed Night


  1. What a beautiful family, Molly ... I know you're proud of them. I'm so glad to see Keifer looking so well ... he is a very handsome young man. Isn't God good!


Little sweet memories whispered..