Sunday, January 09, 2011

Marco Monday

Today I am entering Macro Monday over at lisaschaos, check out her sight for some amazing snap shots. 
Well I really can't call these shots Marco today, but they are awfully close up. I have my bird feeders right outside my bed room window and since I'm suppose to stay there, I have my laptop and camera right beside me, and how glad I was this evening when this little scene played out in front of me....

Oliver? What Stanley? Oliver, do you think he's gonna come over here...
 Oliver? What Stanley? He's still stareing at us. Just shut up and eat Stanley  
 Incoming from above, wheeze that was close
 Oliver, I'm scared...look out Stanley, here he comes...... RUNNNNN
 what did you do with Stanley, you big brute?
he's over there, he's fine I just want to check the food in here scram.. 
 oh go away, you big bully your too big for this little feeder..
 oh just shut up and eat, there's nothing I want here anyhow
 ok, Stanley, it's safe you can come back now.  Thank you Oliver, I was so scared..that was a close call. 


  1. These are great! I'd love to see this out my bedroom window. :)

  2. Wonderful series of images. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wonderful pictures with such a tale to tell!!! Loved visiting today!! You put a smile on my sleepy face! Cathy

  4. Oliver and Stanley!!! That's perfect!

    However did you capture that blur of incoming red? Just marvelous. And the little fellows are clear and crisp as day---you're really getting to be quite the lens-chick, yourself.

    Wonderful Monday!


  5. Wonderful photos of the birds at the feeder... just gorgeous...


Little sweet memories whispered..