Friday, December 24, 2010

Even the Animals know who to turn to for comfort...

I recieved this in an E-mail this morning and just had to post....

A Nativity Scene was erected in a church yard.
During the night the folks came across this scene.
An abandoned dog was looking for a comfortable, protected place to sleep. He chose baby Jesus as his comfort.
No one had the heart to send him away so he was there all night.
We should all have the good sense of this dog and curl up in Jesus' lap from time to time.
No one mentioned that the dog breed is a "shepherd!"


  1. This made my day. Merry Christmas.

  2. A very heart warming pic! Thanks Molly for sharing it. Even the animals know where to go to see the true meaning of Christmas!

  3. I love that Molly. Happy Christmas


Little sweet memories whispered..