Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm Baaaackkkkk

Well ladies, I'm back, for a spell at least. Picked up my computer "AGAIN" today and got it up and running, got a feeling it will be back in hospital ...if not tomorrow ...real soon....I want to go running though the house screaming, pulling my hair out.
I had so much going on since we last chatted, that I don't know were to start. I went on my trip to Gatlinburg with a group of ladies from our Church, we had such a good time. I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't been suffering from 2d degree burns on my face. Thank goodness it was cool while we where up there.
I had gone to a Dermatologist 4 weeks ago and had 3 skin Cancers removed from my face and he gave me a cream to use on my face to get rid of some small ones that remained. He told me to be sure and use it all over my face to even the dark spots out as well..but he didn't tell me not to go out in the sun for 48 hours after using it...well I went to a soccer game that Sat...of course I used the cream that was a hot Sat in MS. 102 degrees and the games where from 11:30-2:00..needless to say I have suffered ever since. My eyes where sollen shut and my face itches so bad. And it is still swollen..and pealing.
This was taken Sunday morning after the game on Sat.
These were taken the day before I left to go on the trip...

The place on the left side next to my eye has healed pretty much but around my eyes feel like ants are chewing away. I am here to tell you I have never hurt so bad in my whole life...I can't get out in the sun till it heals completely and I don't think it ever will.
OK enough complaining, I will telling about my trip to Cades Cove and the Apple Barn tomorrow.....just wanted to drop by and say Hello


  1. I've been wondering about you Molly. I surely hope you get to feeling better soon.

  2. Aw, hope you feel better. Sorry you had that happen.

  3. Molly - I went on vacation and then tried to catch up and I wondered where you were.

    I am so sorry that you are hurting like that - you look so sore and swollen. You poor baby. What did the doctor say - did you call him?

    Take care of yourself.

    sandie w♥


Little sweet memories whispered..