Sunday, August 15, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

Hi all believe it or not I'm still around. Working on getting my computer back up and running. It went out a couple of weeks ago and is still in hospital, I am on my back up laptop but not to fond of using it. I just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and kicking....
I am joining a Meme called Shadow shot Sunday over at Hey Harriet's. check her out
Hope to be back with y'all soon. Really miss reading your blogs and chatting with my friends. Hope you all have a blessed day.


  1. What a great shot, Molly. I've missed you -- hurry back!

  2. That is a great shot with some beautiful shadows.
    Hope your computer is feeling better soon.

  3. Molly glad you are up and around and doing fine!
    This shot looks like it should be in National Geographic.
    And as a side note...I have been scared of these "bugs" since I was a little kid - ha ha - I duck when they fly by!


Little sweet memories whispered..