Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Tuesday Show and Tails

Today I am joining Tuesday Show and Tail over at West Virgina Treasures, be sure and click on the link and check out all the other great pictures.
Good morning Friends, I seem to always be running late, lately. Could it be old age or could it be that I've just spent my last large bust of energy I had, working in the yard for the past month and my body is screaming slow down. What ever the reason, I have been dragging and this poison Ivy hasn't helped my feeling any. OK enough complaining, let's move on to more fun things like lizards and other crawly things.
Last week while walking around my yard and taking pictures of my flowers, my Trumpet lillies to be exact,
I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye and when I got to looking this is what I found hiding deep down inside of my Iris bed..isn't he so cute, he couldn't have been more than 3-4 ins long....can you see him
While out walking and looking at God's beauty, don't forget to stop and notice the little creatures who live there.


  1. I luv those little guys. They have to keep hidden at our house......

  2. Oh wow Molly! He sure was a find! It's true. If we would just and take the time to take a closer look you never know what you will see. He looks a little like the Geico lizard don't he! Your flowers are beautiful too!

    Thanks for sharing one of your special finds with us this week!

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  3. I almost missed that little guy in the first couple pictures!!! Isn't that so fabulous, to see all of God's creatures!!!

  4. We had something like them when we had a house in FL. Always trying to catch them. They are FAST!!

  5. Just this evening I grabbed my watering can and was going around watering plants. As I was refilling it I noticed a little green frog on the edge of it. So cute! He just sat there and let me finish watering.

  6. Ooh - I liked that. How did you even see him? Great pictures. It would scare me if it was in my house though.



Little sweet memories whispered..