Thursday, February 11, 2010

When will it end....

Good morning Ladies, well like most of the country Central Mississippi is bracing for another snow. It is suppose to get here by this evening. So like all good mothers I am getting ready. I went to town yesterday and stocked up on the essentials, like milk, bread, comfort foods, bird feeders
Squirrel feeders
...yep, you heard me. Can't let my little furry friends go DH said he can't believe I am planning on feeding them nasty little things, but I think they are beautiful, so far they haven't found it, but oh, they will, because with the way the black birds
and Blue Jays
have been devouring the acorns, they are all just about gone.
The little Finches didn't notice the feeder at first but then one little guy came to visit...
Then there were 2
ahhh, 3 have found it...
This morning there were birds everywhere scurrying around so fast I couldn't get a good picture, guess they know the bad weather is headed our way, cause as I type this they have all kinda vanished. Hold on to your hats folks it's going to be a bad one.
And look who just showed up, so close to the feeder but so far...he never even looked up.
Silly Squirrel
Hope everyone stays warm and safe, Spring is a does every year just when we need it most. :-)

Up date: 2-11-2010 @ 4:20 PM. Finally got a good shot with the socks loaded down with Goldfinches...there were several tween the 2 socks that I couldn't get...


  1. Molly.. I just talked to my sister who lives in Raleigh MS... she said she couldn't believe it was going to snow AGAIN! I told her Dallas already has about 3 inches of snow... (just posted photos my daughter sent me)... Global Warming? I'm thinking Global "colding"!

  2. Luv the pictures. Stay warm. Snow, YUCK.

  3. Wow those thistle seed feeders are long--I've never seen those before.

    It sure doesn't take long for all the birdies to spread the news that there's a new feeder in town. and you just wait...that squirrel will find it! :D


Little sweet memories whispered..