Monday, February 22, 2010

The Simple Woman's Day Book

I am once again joining in on the Simple Woman's Day Book, check out the other ladies here....
Outside my is COLD dreary and rainy again

I am thinking ..How much I will appreciate Spring when it gets here..

 I am thankful …..for my warm home, and that Connor didn’t break more bones when he fell down the stairs at school Friday. He only broke his wrist and bruised his hip and elbow. As far as he fell it could have been worse, His Angel was there to cushion his fall.

From the coffee and fresh home made peanut butter cookies for DH and Nutrisystem cereal for me with bananas and milk.
Supper beef roast with carrots and potatoes in the crock pot. For me what ever box I grab from the Nutrasystems shelf and a big green salad..

I am wearing…Green Tinker Belle fleece P.Js with lime green fuzzy sock.

I am going…to try and rest as much as possible today, feel a lot better, but you don't mess with the crud, just when you think your good, it jumps up and hollers "surprise, I'm back"
I am creating... A slide show of photos I’ve taken using my new camera on the sports setting, of my bird feeder outside my window…

I am reading...We are finishing up with Beth Moore’s study of Daniel. Will start a study of James next week.

I am hearing...DH snoring along with ChiChi, my, for a little dog she sure snores loud…

Around the house...need to wash a few clothes and make up the beds, also need to mop the floors, but think I’ll wait till this rain goes away.

One of my favorite things...watching the birds fly to and fro from feeder to feeder and watching the squirrels playing in the yard…

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Monday…get house back in livable order, pick up MooMoo from school, while her Mom and Dad take Connor to the Bone Dr in Jackson to get wrist set.

Tuesday…do a little house work, clean up den and get area ready to set up DH new computer when it arrives sometimes this week.

Weds….do what every I feel up to, and go to Bible Study we will finish Daniel.

Thurs…Go get my hair fix, missed my appointment last week because of the crud, but really really need to go this week, I’m even scaring ChiChi I look so bad…lol…

Fri. …maybe go to Jackson, depends on the weather...

Sat…haven’t really planned that far ahead right now.

Sunday  Church and hopefully a day of rest…..

Here is picture thought I am sharing..
 It looks like one of them is saying, "hey, back off I was here first"...


  1. I love the finches! We have a few out here. Surprisingly, in the irrigation ditches we still have are some cat-tails and they eat the fluffy part of them...

    Poor Connor! That sounds like an awful fall. How frightening! I am so glad kids heal quick.

  2. I'm sure hoping you get rid of the crud soon. I don't know how you can cook your DH full meals and stay on your diet. Good for you, cause when I'm dieting (which is most of the time) - hubby has to cut down too!

  3. Love your gold finches, Molly, and can't wait to see more of the pictures you took with your new camera.

    REST, and take care of yourself!

  4. I sure hope you are feeling better soon Molly.

    Thank God above for guardian angels.

  5. Hey Molly!

    Thank God Connor's Angel was there to cushion his fall! I hope he feels better!

    We had rain today too! Yesterday was just beautiful. I've got the crud too.... I'm feeling a little better but like you said I'm afraid that it will jump back at me! lol

    Love the pictures of your golden finches! They do love that Niger seed don't they! Mine will eat sunflowers too which is usually my main food that I feed around here.


  6. Howdy girl - so first of all who is moomoo?

    I love the yellow finches - can't wait until spring is here.

    Gee you are getting really fancy on the blog - I'm impressed.

    I like this Simple Women's Day Book Blog - I think you learn a lot about your friends.



Little sweet memories whispered..