Friday, December 11, 2009

Get R Done Friday

It's time again for Get-R-Done Friday over at ClassyChassy, so be sure and go by and check out the other great projects and tell Classy thanks for hosting this for us.
Today I am running behind and am so busy, but I wanted to be sure and post this project for everyone to see just how bad I procrastinate...Last year for Christmas I painted stockings for my BB and DIL's 2 fur babies, since they have no Children...I thought they turned out well and so did all of TT's friends  


  1. very cute. you work is fabulous.

  2. How cute Molly. You are so talented!

  3. Molly, you have talent oozing out of your pores!
    Your header shows snow at your house...that's not now is it?
    Egad...did I miss an entry?

  4. Hey - those stockings are so neat! And the one you finished - I'd have given up on that hairy little dog, but it turned out so very special - bet it gets put to use right away!!! Thanks for joining in the GET R DONE party! You sure did GET R DONE!

  5. Molly! You sure are a talented painter! I wish I could do that. Who knows? I might can. That is one thing that I have never tried but I can't draw! hehehe

    Romeo sure is a good name for that hairy dog! And what a hairy dog he is! Cute though!

    Get R Done Friday!

  6. Another artsy Granny!!! How cool! Your work is so cute and that's a really great idea! I just decided to join in Get R Done Friday this week and got my linky up. After reading your "About Me" post, I think I'll have to check out the rest of your blog too, as it looks like we might have a lot in common. Thanks again for sharing! L.B.

  7. Oh Molly, you crack me up!!! You are too funny...

  8. You have a lot of talents going on in there. Those are really nice.

  9. I just came back to visit and realized the first stocking had a pug painted on it. Oh these are my favorite dogs ever!!!


Little sweet memories whispered..