Friday, December 04, 2009

Get R Done Friday

It's time again for Get-R-Done Friday over at ClassyChassy, so be sure and go by and check out the other great projects and tell Classy thanks for hosting this for us.
As you know this is the first week of Dec and most everyone is decorating for our special Holiday coming up on the 25th. Christmas means different things to different people, some celebrate the Reason for the Season, the birth of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior and some simply enjoy the fun and festivities of the Jolly Fat Man who slides down the Chimney and leaves toys for all good little girls and boy. 
I love Christmas, Christmas holds alot of good memories and a lot of sad memories for me, my Momma gave us the best Christmas she could every year, it was filled with love and we were always taught that the reason for the season was to Celebrate Jesus' Birthday. We didn't recieve tons of expensive gifts like the kids do today....I have been guilty of over doing also, wanting my kids to have more than I did, but now as I look back I see I actually had more than they do, money can't buy everything, like joy and understanding...the knowledge of what the season is really about.
Many believe that it is wrong to let children believe the "lie" that there is a Santa, that he takes away from the real meaning, but we were always taught that first and foremost it is to remember Jesus' birth, but just as the Wise Men brought gifts to our Lord, so Santa is God's way of sending gifts to his a child it made good sense to me and even now I love having both, do I believe in Santa, yes, I believe in the spirit of love and sharing. I believe in God's love for us, didn't he give us the greatest gift of all, that first Christmas over 2000, years ago.

I did get the bow made for the top of my Precious Moments Bear Nativity Scene

This is one of my favorite figurines, I painted it 30 yrs ago and just love the meaning of it, Santa worshipping the Baby honor to the true meaning of Christmas

I painted this Santa boot in 1978, I have it setting on my kitchen table filled with silk poinsettas.

I arranged just a few of my special Santas on the buffett, I decided not to unpack my 100s of Santas this year. The tall fellow in the back is a cyprus knee I painted in the 80s, I also painted the 2 bottle. I love my picture of the Santa and Dove I did about 15 yrs ago.

These are just a few of the Get R Dones I did while decorating this week, next the Christmas tree, got to get DH to go with me to buy it, I decided the fake tree has to go, I want a real one this year.


  1. Nothing Nativity or Jesus at Wal-Mart?! That blows my mind!
    I love your Santa collection.

  2. What a shame that you couldn't find a Nativity. I can't say that I've looked this season, but I will notice now. I hope this isn't a trend. :(

  3. Everything looks beautiful. Sorry you couldn't find a barn, maybe you can make one. I know how creative you are so shouldn't be a problem for you.

  4. I loved the story as well as your photos - the decorations are so unique - gourds and cypress knees - fabulous! It shocks me that there was no CHRIST in CHRISTMAS at Walmart - must be X-MAS there - they X'ed over Christ. Sad. I guess they wanted to be politically correct in some fashion? Someone ought to 'splain to them about Christmas for the REST of us! Thanks for joining in GET R DONE FRIDAY this week, Molly!

  5. First of all I have to say I am so envious of your artistic talent. Your hand painted santas are wonderful.

    I really like the Santa worshiping the baby Jesus too! It really does capture the essence of the holiday.

  6. I love your Christmas decorations Molly! I believe in the essence of what Santa represents as well. I pray you are well my kind friend. We've been extremely busy with our Christmas give, but soon I'll be visiting more often.

  7. I love all of your Christmas decorations! My favorite is the nativities! Hope you are able to find a barn for them. I will say that I did see them at my local WM but they just don't make them like they used to.

    I finally found my nativity 4 years ago. It took me years to find one that I liked. Mine is the Heartwood Creek design.

    Get R Done Friday!

  8. WOW you are a very talented painter! Love all your Santas.


Little sweet memories whispered..