Thursday, July 23, 2009

Get-R-Done Friday saving pictures...

It's time again for Get-R-Done Friday over at ClassyChassy, so be sure and go by and check out the other great projects and tell Classy thanks for hosting this for us.
Today, my get r done Friday, is a project I have been wanting to do for years... How many of you don't have pictures taken over the years, stuck in every little nook and cranny of your house....if you say me...then I bow to you. Me personally, I have over 48 yrs of pictures stuck in a large ceder chest DH built me years ago. And a ton of Albums.
Pictures every where....
Then several weeks ago I was over at Southern Lady's place and spied this little gem.....
So with out wasting time I messaged her and asked where she got it, she told me and in a blink of an eye I had it ordered and on it's way, when I recieved it, it was in about 50 pieces
and took about 30 mins to put together
Now it did hold a lot of pictures but not nearly all of mine, I am going to order 2 more.
This is where I've got this one setting and just love it. Putting it together was a lot easier than going through all those pictures. I thought Retired Maggie looked pretty good sitting on top of it.


  1. I am so impressed with your contribution to GET R DONE! You GOT R DONE, alright! A home for those pesky pictures that beg to be sorted and scrap booked into somewhere!!! Your Retired Maggie looks great on top - where did SHE come from? Love her too! Thanks for joining in the fun! Have a wonderful day!!!

  2. Molly, I love it! You did good! I don't have mine with any pictures yet! lol ;) I'm waiting for cold winter months to do that...I think :)

    I don't blame you for ordering more of them, they are just perfect!


  3. Great job. Now send some of your ambition my way!!

  4. Molly,
    That is a great cabinet, and what a project you took on!!

    Good for you!
    I can tell you my projects will stay much smaller than that, although i do have many pics i could do that with too.

    Thanks for joining us on Get R Done Friday!!
    Blessings and see you next week, I hope.

    Barbara jean

  5. Wow, Molly, when you git after a project, you really git after it!!! That sure looks nice!

  6. Now you have to STILL sort through all the pictures, organize them, and place them in the drawers? Oh, I admire YOU.

  7. Great share...I love it! Now...are you going to share with us where it came from? I need one too...well like you I probably need more than 1 but...a girl has got to start somewhere with her treasured photos.....
    Happy Get R DONE FRIDAY!

  8. Good job Molly. I need one of those too. It would give me a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that if I needed to grab all of my pictures for whatever reason, then it could be done in one feel swoop.

    I'm not a doom-dayist by any means, but I have wondered what would I try to get out of the house if I needed to do it right then.

    My photos can't be replaced and I would say they are pretty high on the list.

    Good job again and thanks for the idea.


  9. What a great idea! I'm glad to see that you were able to get your pictures organized!

    I need to get mine back in order. I was doing a great job with it until I had my baby boy 5 yrs ago and I couldn't walk upstairs and my pictures aren't in order anymore. And now with the digital camera I don't print many if any of them out so I have bought one of those big cd case holders at the Dollar Store for $5 and I have all of my picture cd's in one of those right now. I even have done that to all of my dvd's but those are in 3 of them! lol We love our cartoon movies! hehehe

    Get R Done!!!

  10. Oh, I forgot to say that I just love your kitty on the side bar praying!!! I had a chihuahua that would pray but I don't have any pictures of her doing it. I remember one time we were at my uncle's house with her and I told her to pray for him and she went to town on her little prayer hands! It was sooo funny! I told him that he must have needed lots of prayer! lol


  11. Cool beans Molly~great little project.


Little sweet memories whispered..