Monday, July 13, 2009

Blue Monday

It Monday again y'all, shhhh! don't look and maybe it'll go away and it'll be Sunday again....oh heck, looks like it wants to stay around...sigh...might as well get up and go to the house that is. Since it's Monday that means Blue Monday, thanks Smiling Sally for hosting this Meme.
I know alot of folks on here love red doors, but my heart is in Greece with some of these beautiful doors painted BLUE, yea that's right blue, something about blue sets my heart to beating....
I found these on the internet aren't they beautiful?
Don't they take you to the Mediterranean area....
That is my Blue Monday offerings. I hope you enjoyed them. For more Blue Monday Posts please visit Smiling Sally by clicking here.


  1. I want a second Sunday too. Good idea! Happy Blue Monday. Great Post!

  2. Enjoyed seeing the blue doors...
    Have a good one!

  3. I think it's the combination of blue and white that I love so much. The blue is so intense and the white balances it. Happy Blue Monday.

  4. Oh boy....great display of pics. Laura@the mansion

  5. I love the blue doors. The combo of blue and white is so crisp and bold. Happy Blue Monday.

    I was excited to see you are following my blog- Welcome!!

  6. I love all the Mediterranean blue doors!! You would walk in and expect the house to be sunny inside, as well.

    In another house, our door was orange, inside and out, and it was so cheerful and welcoming.

  7. I love the blue doors..a calming welcome for all! Happy Blue Monday...and the door at my place is always open! Come on over.....

  8. Oh Molly~~I love them all! Greece sounds perfect to me!
    Those colors against the white are just brillant!
    Need to post my Blue Monday....

  9. A girl after my own heart, I've always been facinated by doors. Those are great shots!

  10. Very pretty. Love them.

  11. Hi Molly, wonderful blue pretty. Happy Blue Monday.


  12. What a wonderful collection of images. They are quite lovely. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  13. Mornin' Molly...

    I just left you a note on your Sunday Favorites post, my friend!

    Ooooh...I do love these blue doors and you're absolutely right about how they just say "Mediterranean"! I love all the bright blues but have to admit that my favorite door is that pretty light colored robin egg blue all of its distressed beauty!!! I wonder how my home would look with a blue door...we have a grayish blue colored steel roof with gray siding??? Our doors have always been just plain ol' white and I would love to paint them! I keep thinking black...but maybe the blue would be pretty...but then again maybe it would be too much blue? Oh Girl, I'm just thinking out loud here...hehe!!!

    Thanks for sharing all the pretty blue doors...they're a perfect offering for a Blue Monday post!!!

    Have a marvelous Monday, my friend!

  14. Nice doors. I especially like the third one, light blue. Happy Blue Monday!

  15. What beautiful photographs. I enjoyed visiting through Blue Monday.


  16. WOnderful photos of the doors. TFS

    You also just gave me an idea for another Blue Monday post.

  17. Somehow they don't look tacky over there in Europe! They look gorgeous!

  18. Would like to see some here in the States - would they look as grande?

  19. Now those doors are just beautiful, the third one is my favorite.

  20. Very pretty blue doors and gates, great post!
    Happy Blue Monday!
    Mary :)

  21. Just stopped by for a visit and so enjoyed it! You post about the blue doors reminds me of our time spent in Tunisia, on the southern coast of the is traditional there to paint their doors and windows blue...reminding them of the door to heaven.

    I love blue and white...thanks for sharing!

  22. Howdy Miss Molly
    Wow those are gorgeous blue doors ,they make my heart all fluttery .
    I guess the locations are kind of helpful too:)
    Happy Blue Monday to you sweetie.
    Thank you for sharing these amazing blue door photos today .
    They are truly beautiful blues.
    Have a wonderful week.
    Blessings of joy to you and yours.
    Happy Trails

  23. Blue is my favorite as well ... love them all
    PS Guess you noticed I am back ... have been doing lots of traveling and visiting --- will try and keep up better


Little sweet memories whispered..