Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A little of this and a little of that...and a lot of descions to make...

If you Ladies click on my blog and smell smoke, not to worry....I have been doing a lot of thinking since I have been sick and can't do much else....I know, That is a dangerous thing to do....lol...my poor old cobwebbed filled hole in the head where the brain should be can't take alot of that.
But I realized that in less than 4 month's I have posted 200 post...my goodness, that's alot of words..but I also realized I have alot to say that I don't because I don't want to post 3-4 times a day. Which I have done....When that happens my first post of the day gets lost at the bottom of the page.
Well I realized the problem is I just love taking part in all of the Meme's Blue Monday, Simplewoman's Daybook, Wordless Weds., Vintage Thingies Thursday, Friday Family Foto, Pink Sat. Re-run Sunday. Faith and Worship Sunday and several more. I don't want to stop posting to these, and will not, but I am thinking about starting a blog just for these Memes and keep this one for my Country Memories and other post.
The only thing is I don't want to loss any of my sweet follows and was wondering if I did this, would it be too much of a hasle to follow me there also?
Just a few thoughts from the weird mine of Molly.


  1. Just post a link to your new blog in your side bar........should be easy enough to keep up with you.......right?

  2. I would follow you if you created 50 blogs.
    I'm sure everyone feels this way sweet Molly. :)

  3. I like the sidebar link idea Darla had. We can visit the 'home' blog and follow from there to the others. Sounds like fun!


  4. Sounds like a plan, as my husband often says.

  5. You kinda lost me, being a newcomer and all, but I will find you wherever you wonder off!!!

  6. Just let us know your new blog address. I will follow you. :) congrats on 200 posts! wow.

  7. Hmmmm - - - have you thought of going into your dashboard, into your settings and set it to post more posts (days) per page - - - I think I have mine set to 15 or 18. That way you could post as many as you want in a day and they wouldn't go into the archives so fast. Go to my blog, scroll down and see if I have enough up to solve your problem. If I do, than just change your settings.

    I personally perfer the way you do it - - - mix and match your posts because I think that keeps it more "lively."

  8. I like the way it is now too ... I like seeing the vintage day and the blue day etc ... and especially like the story day (but I agree that a mixture keeps it lively)

    A sidebar sounds like a good solution for those that are hard core bloggers and readers LOL ... didn't actually understand the archive suggestion.

    And, to be perfectly honest, I read here ... but don't have the time to jump to different blogs ... though I would suspect that I am in the minority :)

  9. Molly... I actually manage 4-blogs... one is just for family, one is just for a reality show that I like to follow and blog about and only people specifically interested in that show follow that blog, and then my Catholic "God Blog" and French Lique. Basically, I just let people find them. I have some of the same followers on the last two... a couple of nieces follow F/L and the family blog... and nobody else follows the reality show blog...

    Like you , I find it easier to write about different things on different blogs... Just be sure if you do a meme blog that you have a link on your sidebar to your main blog... many people find blogs that they like via a meme... that's probably how we found eachother!

    blessings. Dixie

  10. Just let me know what your new blog will be and I will be there, sounds like a great idea !
    Hugs and blessings to you dear friend !


Little sweet memories whispered..