Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm late. I'm late for a very important date....

Good morning dear blog friends, this is the first Monday that I won't be doing Blue Monday or my Day book, early. Have to run. Will be gone most of the day to the Dentist and then delivering my impressions for my partial to Clinton.
We had a wonderful day with the family yesterday, but my day started at 4:00Am and didn't end till after 12 AM I was extremely tired this morning and over slept. Will see y'all this evening.
Have a great day talk to you tonight or tomorrow.


  1. How strange to wake up and not "talk" to you. You have very definitely become a part of the fabric of my day.

    Good luck with the teeth :)

  2. Have A Safe Day Molly!!

  3. LOL I know that I'm dragging today!

  4. See miss Molly... I told you to take it easy yesterday... girl what were you thinkin'!

    God Bless you Molly... you are an inspiration!
    hugs. Dixie

  5. I sure miss your postings but try to squeeze in some REST!! You had a long day yesterday and this one looks like it's busy for you, too!!!

  6. You've had a week or two now of extra pain, extra work, and now it's time to play catch up once you get all your necessary's done before you go to Branson. That will be your sweet reward!

  7. Hi Molly,
    Hope you got everything done today. It's good to be back visiting the blogs!

  8. I love the birds! I cannot believe they cost so much! Well at least you got the picture :-)
    happy blue Monday~


Little sweet memories whispered..