Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Parade Meme...

I decided to participate in a really cute Easter Parade Meme this week, over on Eileen's blog I read about it on Coloradalady's blog, you are suppose to post a picture of you in your Easter finery. I started not to participate because the only picture I could fine was of me when I was 14, in 1957. No baby or little girl pictures. I am standing with my Sis's future hubby. Sis is the one on the left in the back, always running her mouth, giggle...Mom wanted a picture of us all, but couldn't get her and her friend to stop arguing, playfully...I'm sure it was about who had the best outfit. Little did they know, I had the prettiest dress. It was a soft yellow dress with a white tie and rick-rack around the collar.and don't you just love that little white hat, you can't see it but it also had a net.... if you notice my white gloves were in my hands instead of on them, I hated wearing a hat and finish out the outfit I had on white shoes and a white clutch bag..You can tell it was the 50's cause BIL-to-be had on a white Sports Coat, a bow tie with a black hankie in his pocket.. black and white shoes...and his hair combed back in the famous that was fashion back then. Sis was dressed in blue as usual..and me in yellow, sure and check out the other Easter Parade styles.


  1. Dearie you look like a VISION in that outfit! Lovely!

  2. You look fabulous in your Easter attire! Hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  3. Looks like a fun day. you were beautiful. And the ladies look so typical of the time. Hey, we are starting early this week aren't we?

  4. Molly,

    You look so pretty! I just love looking at pictures from the past! Maybe I'll go try to find one of me from an Easter past!

    By the way, Joy received her package today and was SO excited! She's planning a post about it right after her giveaway post! You really made her day! Thank you so much! You're a sweetheart!


  5. Oh this is fabulous. I am SO glad you decided to link up.. I love this photo. Thanks you for the fun memories!
    AND.. I like your blog too. I'm adding you to my reader.. and will be back.
    Happy Easter!

  6. Gloves .... and Hats ,,, with veils!!!!! *sigh* such sweet memories to wake up to ... thanks :)

  7. Memories of little "pillbox" hats with veils, I remember that well. Always gloves too, even if you just carried them. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Love your dress! I love all those pretty styles back then. Isn't it funny how many of you didn't like to dress up in hats and gloves? I always think it looks sooo elegant. Please come and visit my fashions from the past too! Happy Easter!


Little sweet memories whispered..